The goal of the Bicentennial Committee is to create aTown-wide celebration of the 200 years since the founding of Salem, CT, with events all year to
honor the past and present leaving a legacy for the future.
The celebration will have events that will appeal to a wide segment of the Salem residents.
We will engage as many residents of Salem as possible in the planning and execution of events
It will build on traditional Town events
The Executive Committee, as appointed by the Board of Selectmen, will create sub-committees, as necessary
The coordination and funding will be executed and approved by the Executive Committee, per Robert's Rules of Order
The Bicentennial Logo/Brand shall be developed with the input from the Town and approved by the Executive Committee

First Selectman Kevin Lyden, Ex-Officio
Elbert Burr, Co-Chairperson
Selectman Edward Chmielewski, Co-Chairperson
Bruce Rodgers, Co-Vice Chairperson
Shelley Rodgers, Co-Vice Chairperson
John Cooke, Secretary
Ryan Little, Treasurer
Selectman David Kennedy, Member
Salem Volunteer Fire Company Chief Gene Maiorano, Member
Joshua Rehrig, Member
Terri Salas, Member